Autumn Update 2020

It was a very long summer.

Just when things started picking up Grammar Captive was told by HostLabs, Grammar Captive’s former, remote, third-party, host server, that the Grammar Captive website would be moved from California to Canada where it would be hosted by HostPapa. As Grammar Captive was in the process of creating a new test server in Seattle, Washington that would mirror the HostLabs server in California, everything suddenly became many times more difficult. Not only was the publicly available Grammar Captive website rendered dysfunctional for a month, but the work on the would-be, local, private, test-sever mirror was no longer valid.

The good news is that the Grammar Captive website is now fully functional again, and that the local test-server that mirrors the public site is nearly complete. Yes, there is still much more to do on the public, but what was good before is now good again.

During the course of this ordeal Grammar Captive stumbled upon Homebrew technology, and would like to give a shout-out to Homebrew (see the Credits option under the Other menu in the Grammar Captive navigation bar) for making the transition a much easier task. I was struggling dearly with the transition from my former MacOS 7.5 environment to my new MacOS 10.15.7 environment. Alas, had I only learned about Homebrew earlier in the transition!

Now, I cannot promise that podcasting will begin before the spring of 2021, but Grammar Captive should be well-poised in the not to distant future.

Yes, you may have begun to believe that Grammar Captive will never be fully realized, and your doubt would be well-justified. For, I have often felt the same. Maybe someday I will write a book about its tortuous path to success. I promise, however, not to undertake such an adventure until the Grammar Captive website succeeds. In the end, I do not wish to devote my literary pursuits to a failed endeavor.
