While Waiting …

While waiting for others to explain and hopefully clarify a security issue that has made it impossible for Grammar Captive to move forward with the creation of historical tracking charts, I have made it easier for visitors who wish better to understand the relationship between nudge.online and Grammar Captive to satisfy their curiosity.  Now, when visitors open to the nudge.online website and click on Grammar Captive, they are directed to the Grammar Captive mainpage with the business model panel already open.


More Freedom, Less Repetition

It is now possible for return visitors to open to the Grammar Captive mainpage without having to view and close the same two splash panels each and every time that they visit the page.  This suppression of senseless repetition even occurs when one accesses the mainpage via the landing page.

CAUTION:  This mechanism will not work for previous return visitors until they have downloaded the page twice.  The first time will set the local storage parameter.  The second time will activate it.

This new mechanism has been achieved without the use of cookies.

In the meantime, installation of the new software necessary for creating historical graphs of visitor data has run into a temporary impasse.  Hopefully this problem will be resolved in good time.



Next Up at Grammar Captive

In further anticipation of this falls podcast production Grammar Captive is proud to announce that it has

  1. Renewed its Apple Developer’s license; the iTunes store will become Grammar Captive’s first third-party host of Grammar Captive’s weekly podcasts.  (Podcast production is temporarily on hold until nudge.online can find a new permanent location better suited to Grammar Captive’s new development needs.)
  2. Initiated a contract with Lunarpages to become a commercial affiliate.  (Having been with Lunarpages since 2012 I can strongly recommend it.)  This will be Grammar Captive’s first non-educational commercial inroad.
  3. Abandoned all further pursuit of integrating Matomo’s widgets into the Grammar Captive website and will begin producing its own graphs from data collected by Matomo software.  More to come!

No, it has not been easy, but this is what it means to be an entrepreneur — the exploration of unchartered territory is filled with danger, hardship, and reward.


Visitor Targets and GC Results

Instead of one word cloud that reflects Grammar Captive’s ability to meet self-selected visitor taste and interest, Grammar Captive now has two word clouds:  one that tracks what visitors want and another that tracks Grammar Captive’s ability to meet that want.  Check it out by clicking on the menu option Word Clouds under the heading Visitor Profile in navigation bar on the Grammar Captive mainpage.


Grammar Captive’s !st Word Cloud!

I am happy to announce that Grammar Captive has successfully implemented its first word cloud.  Now, visitors, sponsors, and Grammar Captive can discover, at a glance, visitor tastes and interests based upon their local search activity.

Grammar Captive’s Word Cloud combines the data retrieved by Matomo from Grammar Captive’s custom local search engines with Chien Guan Tin’s 1,200 line code-byte called wordcloud2.js into a nifty display of visitor tastes and interests and the assets that Grammar Captive makes available to meet those tastes.

Open to the Grammar Captive mainpage and look for the menu-option Word Cloud in the navigation bar under the heading Visitor Profile.  And, don’t forget to click!

In addition, Grammar Captive has provided a temporary fix for the alignment problem of the middle panel for those with medium-size viewports.

Have a great weekend, if you do not hear from me again before!

And, think autumn!



After nearly two full days of hunting, I have found a Matomo method that can be used to recover the search words submitted by visitors when they employ Grammar Captive’s three custom search engines for newsletters, podcasts, and Q&A.  I will not claim that a word cloud is just around the corner, but it is surely up ahead.


Added New Tracking Report for Internal Search Engines

It is now possible to observe visitor behavior for use of  the Newsletter, Podcast, and Q&A search engines.  There are three tracking categories including Custom Search / Newsletter, Custom Search / Podcast, and Custom Search / Q&A.  There are two different kinds of click events for each category including Open Search and Reopen SearchOpen Search refers to an initial search, ReOpen Search refers to a second search within the same category after having left the category and then returned to the initial category of search.

The new behavior patterns are reported under Selected Categories in the Your Profile / Event Profiles menu option on the Grammar Captive mainpage.

This tracking is useful, because one,  it shows whether visitors are taking advantage of the Grammar Captive search engines; and two, it shows something about the way they are using the search engines to discover what they want.

Coming up is a word cloud to show for what visitors are actually looking, and eventually what Grammar Captive should be providing.


Le captif de la grammaire anglaise en français

The first edition of the Seven Gates weekly newsletter is now available in French!  Look for the word français under the menu title Regular Updates / … / Archives in the navigation bar on the Grammar Captive mainpage.  A first edition in German is just around the corner.  And, one in Arabic is likely soon to be.

Making the first edition available in one’s own language will help relieve the overwhelming flood of English with which new visitors are confronted when they first arrive at the Grammar Captive website.  The first edition is  what visitors first receive when they subscribe to the Seven Gates newsletter.

Also, a Disclaimer and Invitation to explore have been added to the Introduction section in the navigation bar.

This is how one can spend one’s time while waiting for one’s new IP address and nameservers to propagate.


Server Upgrade Complete!

Grammar Captive is proud to announce that its server upgrade is nearly complete.  For the moment, the best evidence of the upgrade is performance.  The loading time of Grammar Captive pages has been greatly reduced.

Of course, this is merely the beginning of the new technical frontier  that is now open.   It has been a long time in coming, but we are now one very important giant step closer to a fall launch.
